Court Ordered Domestic Violence Program

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Our program is certified by the San Diego County Probation department and meets the standards for the State of California.

We provide 2-hour group sessions for members who have been ordered to complete the 52-week DVRP program.

We also welcome members who would like to participate voluntarily. This program can also be referred to as a Batter’s Intervention Program or DVRP, depending on the jurisdiction where a court order originates. A participant may be ordered by the court, probation, or parole.

Our Program

Domestic Violence is a symptom. You are NOT your behavior. Behavior is a symptom of underlying issues. And while behavior can be problematic, shame and punishment do not correct the behavior long term. We are interested in our group members learning what is driving the destructive behavior so they can have more fulfilling relationships and more fulfilling lives.

Compassion and curiosity are at the heart of our program. Facilitators are certified in domestic violence training. Our program utilizes processed oriented conversations where the following topics are covered:

couple hugging
small class taking notes

Current Class Schedule*

*Please confirm with enrollment as class schedules may change

Men’s groups, Bankers Hill/Hillcrest 92101

Mondays 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Tuesdays 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Thursdays 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Men’s groups, El Cajon 92020

Thursdays 6:30-8:30 pm

Structure & Fees

  • Groups are limited to 12 people, are held on a weekly basis, and last for 2 hours.

  • Couples counseling is not available when either partner is court-ordered for the 52-week course.

  • We only have groups for men.

  • Fees are $35 per group & $35 for intake.

What will you learn?

  • Explore the root of violence

  • Explore the world of emotions

  • Explore how you have been influenced by your upbringing and socialization

  • Learn tools to emotionally de-escalate

  • Learn tools to communicate more effectively

  • Learn how to take responsibility for your part and learn how blame holds you back

  • Identify red flags that lead to unhealthy patterns

  • Explore the cultural dynamics of violence

  • Learn what is under violence – it’s not what you think

  • See that you are not alone

  • Feel supported and not judged

  • Learn accountability while also receiving understanding and compassion

frustrated man sitting

Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath.

-Ekhart Tolle

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Court Ordered Domestic Violence Program